Greener Gardening: Lessons Learned During The Pandemic

Greener Gardening: Lessons Learned During The Pandemic

Last month, I had the pleasure of giving a virtual presentation at work about greener gardening, as part of our Green Team's new How-To Series on topics about sustainability. Originally, the ask was to talk about raised bed gardening -- I started there but soon found myself talking about other things I learned this past … Continue reading Greener Gardening: Lessons Learned During The Pandemic

2017 Dirty Dozen 12 Hour

2017 Dirty Dozen 12 Hour

I ran this race last year, my first 12-hour endurance event, and completed 48.49 miles. Prior to that, the longest distance I had run was a 50K (31 miles), so this was a personal best, and I was very grateful and happy with it. But somehow, falling shy of 50 miles made me wonder if I could run an official 50 miles in 12 hours. So going into this year’s race, that became my goal.



Over 1,500 runners toed the line and thousands of spectators lined the streets. We were on a narrow road with tall buildings on either side of us. Music was blaring. The announcer was counting down, and a drone flew overhead. The excitement was palpable. And around us we could hear different languages being spoken. Forecast showed 40% to 100% chance of rain all day. It started to drizzle as we waited at the start.